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author = {Pierre Bouges and
Thierry Chateau and
Christophe Blanc and
Gaƫlle Loosli},
title = {Handling missing weak classifiers in boosted cascade: application
to multiview and occluded face detection},
journal = {{EURASIP} J. Image and Video Processing},
volume = {2013},
pages = {55},
year = {2013},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-5281-2013-55},
doi = {10.1186/1687-5281-2013-55},
abstract = {We propose a generic framework to handle missing weak classifiers at testing stage in a boosted cascade. The main contribution is a probabilistic formulation of the cascade structure that considers the uncertainty introduced by missing weak classifiers. This new formulation involves two problems: (1) the approximation of posterior probabilities on each level and (2) the computation of thresholds on these probabilities to make a decision. Both problems are studied, and several solutions are proposed and evaluated. The method is then applied to two popular computer vision applications: detecting occluded faces and detecting faces in a pose different than the one learned. Experimental results are provided using conventional databases to evaluate the proposed strategies related to basic ones.}